Complete utilization of game, expand anatomical knowledge of mammals and humans, respectful treatment of hunted game.
5 days
Fr. 1050.-
Course management, cooking equipment
Nicht inbegriffen
Meals (approx. Fr. 50/€ 40), travel to and from the course location
approx. 3 - 8 participants
SOS I: Survival Basic Training
An animal is hunted and killed only when it is really needed. When an animal is killed you have to know that everything can be recycled from the animal. We have a sad past regarding this. In this course, the spiritual as well as the material view on animal disposal will be covered. The animal we recycle comes from a wild animal hit by a car, which without our work would end up useless in an incinerator. Or the animal comes from a game shot, the gamekeeper regulates the healthy number of wild animals.
Beobachter Natur "Mit Haut und Haaren" 2012
Filmausschnitt: Persönliche Gedanken Christof Hagen, Survival Philosophie und Verarbeitung Wildtier